Professional TV series & film production

production, post-production, distribution

TECHFILM ltd (TECHFILM Sp. z o.o.), established  on the 1st of August 2002 is a property of State  Treasury.

The company was registered at the National Court Register (managed by the  Warsaw Regional Court, XIII Economic Division of the National Court Register) with the following KRS no. 0000120619

The amount of the share capital is: 1.800.000,- PLN

What we do:

Film Production

We provide services and enter commercial partnerships related to film production.

Renting Facilities

We also rent offices, storage spaces and production halls in Warsaw.

How we work

Film production requires experience, equipment and targeted preparation. We act as producer, co-producer or executive producer. We professionally enjoy every role.



We know for a fact, that to have a well organized film production – one needs a thorough preparation proces. A good idea and a good plan is this „bigger” half of success.


Pre production – second phase of preparation, where storyboard and list of scenes are being created, equipment is being tested and booked, crew casted, costumes, scenography and props are being completed.


Production is the actual shooting of the film. This phase may take from one day to a few months of shooting.


Before the final copy is ready, the footage goes through various post-production processes such as grading, editing or sound design.

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Our production


Directed by
Filip Bajon

Jan Nowicki
Maciej Stuhr

Music by:
Michał Lorenc

Director of Photography
Wojciech Tudorow

Michał Hrisulidis

Barbara Sikorska-Bouffał

Edited by
Witold Chomiński

Lambros Ziotas
Zbigniew Petrus

„Foundation” – (2006) action film  (shooting: 24th October to 5th December  2005).

Mieczysław Małecki returns to Poland after living in the US. Knowing that penalties for drink driving are going to be much more severe due to a change of law, he decides to do a chaet of his life. A victim of accident where drunk driver was involved should be getting a compensation via specialised foundations. But there is none as per now. Mieczysław sets up one such foundation for child victims. He awaits a change in law to enable the cash flow from all courts in Poland – to his and his family accounts.

Festiwal Filmowy w Gdyni
2006 Grand Prix Golden Lions [Złote Lwy] – NOMINATION

Main contest – Filip Bajon




Nomination in category:
Best film of  2008/2009: Filip Bajon
Best female actress  2008/2009: Elżbieta Jarosik
Best Photography 2008/2009: Wojciech Todorow
Best Screenplay 2008/2009: Filip Bajon




Directed by
Izabella Cywińska

Music by:
Jerzy Satanowski

Jacek Osadowski

Magdalena Biedrzycka

Karolina Gruszka
Łukasz Simlat
Krzysztof Zawadzki

Agencja Media Plus

Lovers from Marona (2005) –  Polish pshychological film  directed by w Izabelli Cywińskiej based on short story written by Jarosław Iwaszkiewicz.

The film is set in a pictoresque village named Marona. Ola meets and fells in love with Janek, a tuberculosis patient of a senatorium. As the fall begins, Janek is removed from senatorium due to disciplinary issues, and Ola needs to leave school. They decide to rent a room together and live there happily. Until one day when…

Festiwal Filmowy w Gdyni

2005: Grand Prix Golden Lions [Złote Lwy] –
best female actress award: Karolina Gruszka



2007: nomination to Orły Award – NOMINATION

best scenography – Jacek Osadowski
best costumes – Magdalena Biedrzycka
best sound design – Nikodem Wołk-Łaniewski
best editing– Anna Wagner
best female actress – Karolina Gruszka
nomination for Zbigniew Cybulski Award for Karolia  Gruszka i Łukasz Simlata


DWÓR – The Manor House (development)

Begining of the XX century, soviet revolution is wrecking havoc amongst borderlands’ manor houses. The revolution viciously attacked all traces of the past – aristocratic family portraits were destroyed and burned with the hope to remove from the history. Palaces, manor house and properties were being burnt, owners and family members – murdered or at best – exiled. Centuries of manorial culture has been completely destroyed in less than a year. Dwór [Manor house] is planned as an epic TV series brinign back to life people from the burnt and forgotten portraits.
Na początku XX wieku sowiecka rewolucja dokonała zagłady kresowych dworów. Rewolucja rzuciła się wściekle na wszelkie ślady przeszłości: portrety ziemiańskich rodzin zrywano ze ścian, wykłuwano im oczy i wrzucano do ognia w przekonaniu, że w ten sposób wszelka  pamięć zostanie zniszczona. Dwory i pałace spłonęły, właścicieli wymordowano albo wygnano. Kilkaset lat ziemiańskiej kultury zginęło tam w przeciągu zaledwie jednego roku. „Dwór” jest planowany jako epicki serial TV, który przywraca życie postaciom, których portrety spłonęły w czasach bolszewickiej pożogi.
Main characters of the series are the members of a Polish family living on the former Polish lands now under a soviet occupation. It’s the story about a turbulent paths of a family torn between wars and insurrections. The story of fictional Slavinski’s family is intertwined with the history of Poland which is going to  dramatically change their lives, requesting more and more sacrifices.
DWÓR [Manor House] is currently in the Development phase.  The script is being worked on and the the funding for the first season is being raied.
More details…Coming soon.